Tuesday, May 27, 2008

Eee PC to become Tablet PC?

There are rumours that state that the successful Eee PC (which will soon show up as a desktop mini PC ) may delve into the Tablet PC arena as well.

For now, this is nothing but a rumour - but considering how many owners have modded their Eee PCs to add a touchscreen (for just a few bucks - may I add) I guess Asus might have considered doing it as well.

Unfortnally, they also speak about launching it under a differente brand name, and not as "low-priced" as the Eee PC - which, if you recall, was supposed to cost $199 but is now closing to the $600 mark.

Pity... a $300 Eee Tablet PC might have revolutionized the tablet market just as the Eee PC did for the mini-laptops.

via [Gizmodo]

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