Monday, January 16, 2012

Parrot AR.Drone 2 gets HD Video

Remember Parrot's AR.Drone? Well, if you were just about to reach for your wallet and engage these awesome quadcopter aerial fights, you better hold off for a while, because AR.Drone 2 is coming, and it certainly looks to be worth the wait.

For starters, say goodbye to the choppy low quality video; the new AR.Drone not obnly bumps the resolution to HD 720p video, it streams it to your iPhone or iPad with silk smooth precision. And talking about precision, with its new array of sensors (3D digital compass and barometer) the AR.Drone 2 can fly higher and more accurately than ever. It can even take photos or record videos along preset routes - the first sign of domestic anti-burgalry UAVs to come? ;)

And best of all, this new AR.Drone 2 price should be roughly the same as the previous model ($300) when it comes to market on the second quarter this year.

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