Friday, February 10, 2012

Portugal Cable Operator MEO Offers Each Subscriber their Own Channel

We all now TV is trying to find new ways to fight the increasingly popular internet video, and in Portugal one of the main cable operators - MEO - has launched a revolutionary new product: the chance for each and every subscriber to create their own custom made TV Channels, the Meo Kanal.

If you're a MEO subscriber you can create up to 6 custom channels (3 public ones, 3 private ones), where you can show off... well... whatever you want. From your finest selection of family or pet videos to your self-produced programs, the choice is yours, and it can be immediately seen by nearly 1 million MEO subscribers around the country. For the private channels, you'll need a PIN code to be able to watch.

Just like a real TV channel, you have the option to create a pre-scheduled weekly grid of your content (or leave it as a playlist).

Subscribers need only press the green key on their powerbox remotes and enter the custom channel numbers (brands and companies have the option to buy premium channel numbers for easier access), but once you've found a channel of your liking you can easily add it to your favorites.

The most popular channels/programs will also be featured on a TOP+ list, for added visibility.

The only "let-down" is that these channels are currently restricted to MEO subscribers, meaning that there are millions others that won't be able to access it - which my prompt people to opt for more generic video sharing sites, like YouTube, or even Facebook. But, 1 million potential viewers still is a nice a number, and this kind of concepts shows us that our old "TVs" can still find new ways to surprise us.

1 comment:

  1. kind of like that book by Ray bradbury Fahrenheit 451 where all the walls are tv screens and people communicate through them etc...well, the idea is there...


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