Sunday, May 26, 2013

Google Top Charts

Ever wondered what the world was searching for on Google? What are the most sought actors, cities, animals, brands, car brands? Now you can easily find out thanks to Google Top Charts. A place where you can find what are the hottest trends in Google's search engine... and therefore... the world!

Besides the many available sections (that allow you to find not only the recent search patterns but also the ones made in previous timeframes), you also get a nice visualization for real-time search queries happening around the world, and that you can adjust by clicking on the small grid on the top left corner from a single tile to a 5x5 grid (and suspiciously looking like Windows 8 Live tiles).

It does look nice though, and it's a nice suggestion to use as a live "screensaver" that keeps you informed about what's happening in the world. (You can restrict the results to one of several available countries, should you grow tired of seeing chinese and japanese queries popping up. :)

[via Google]

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