Tuesday, November 13, 2007

Eee PC 8Gb with larger 10" LCD screen

These rumors just keep popping up.

We were the first ones to have this info, several months ago, but had to keep it a secret until last month.
Then, it was once again denied by Asus that they would launch a bigger screen version of the Eee PC.
(It broke our hearts to hear it - we sure would love a LCD screen filling the entire frame of the Eee PC, instead of those side speakers)

Now, the rumor jumps back to life once again. In Germany, Asus told some reporters that the 8Gb version for Europe would come with 1Gb Ram and a larger 10" LCD display.

That all I wanted to hear! Sign me up for one of these!

If this ends up being confirmed, this will be indeed one of Internet's Best Kept Secrets.

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