Tuesday, October 21, 2008

I Know what you Typed Last Summer!

If you ditched your wireless keyboard because you worried about someone eavesdropping on what you were typing, and feel safe using a wired keyboard... I have some bad news for you.

Using an inexpensive electromagnetic scanner capturing the full spectrum, researches have shown to be possible to detect what you are typing dozens of feet away, even behind walls.

No keyboard is safe. USB, PS/2, and even laptop keyboards all fell prey to this scanning technique.

Compromising Electromagnetic Emanations of Keyboards Experiment 1/2 from Martin Vuagnoux on Vimeo.

Compromising Electromagnetic Emanations of Keyboards Experiment 2/2 from Martin Vuagnoux on Vimeo.

Keep in mind that this isn't really new. Years ago, similar methods were employed to capture CRT signals, that allowed you to see what some monitor was displaying at a remote location.

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