Sure it is quite a bit faster, and the new auto-focus camera with video recording is a nice apetizer but... for anyone having an old iPhone 3G, the cost of replacing it with the new model is almost enough to buy a Palm Pre or an Andoid phone.
When I bought my 3G last year, I was fairly certain I would keep it for at least 2 years (or at least, I was hoping I would.) When the first rumours came, I wasn't that much impressed, and was still planning on keeping my trusty 3G; wich, with the new OS 3.0 is now better than it ever was - even if most of this stuff should have been done a long time ago.
Then the first side-by-side videos showed up.. and I was horrified!
I suddenly felt the urge I actually might have to consider upgrading my iPhone... The speed difference was just so... unbearable.
But I know how these things are... it happens with all the gadgets out there. There are a lot we want and crave for; but the question is... even if we can afford it, is it really worth it?
That why I'm still considering whether I should replace my trusty old 3G for the new 3GS.
(For which you can already found a few reviews here: http://bit.ly/gYPHg - even though its launch wasn't as crazy as the previous ones.)
Whenever I use my iPhone, I end up thinking: this is perfectly ok, it does the job I want it to do.
Sure it takes a few extra seconds... But is it enough for me to justify spending a few hundred dollars more to get the new model? Even more considering that next year the same will happen again; and again I'd have to consider spending some hundred dollars more upgrading it again.
I still don't know... and thankfully, the 3GS will only be available here within a few weeks - so that leaves me a lot of time to consider it carefully and think about it over and over again.
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