Monday, December 19, 2011

BlueLounge Sanctuary - Relaxed Recharging

Tired of having your home filled with messy cables hanging around everywhere? Wouldn't it be nice if you could simply recharge your mobile devices by simply putting them to rest in a small tidy box?

Well... hoe about you enter in 2012 with that in mind and get rid of cables once and for all? Or at least, hide it away from sight... as wireless electricity transfer seems to be forever delayed.

This The Sanctuary by BlueLounge does exactly that. It's a small box (black, white or wood) that comes with lots of different power adaptors for hundreds of different devices - from iPhone, iPod, USB devices to lots others with "custom" plugs - and it will make your forget all those cables and wires you had before.

The price is a bit steep (around 125€) and reminds us that you could achieve the same effect with any "old box" you may have around, or even buy a cheap one for this effect... if you're into the DIY stuff.
If not, this might just be the perfect Christmas/Anniversary gift you were looking for.

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