Tuesday, September 11, 2012

GRID The Remarkable Touch-Friendly Spreadsheet

I've been saying, for a long time, that the touch-friendly Apps we've seen so far are just the tip of the iceberg, and that the real touch computing revolution is yet to come. Why so? The issue is that there are still a lot of preconception ideas engraved in developer's minds, as to how things "should" work, based on decades of experience using keyboards and mouse pointer interfaces. That's why so many people out there still think there are things that aren't "suited" for tablet/touch devices.

But the truth is that we simply need complete new interfaces that make all that possible using touch devices. Better yet - not only possible - but easier to use. Just take a look at this GRID which allows you to create amazing multimedia spreadsheets in a way anyone could understand. It uses a system called "Maestro" that allows easy introduction of data and interaction in each cell.

Using it, you can not only enter numbers or text, but also images, movies, contacts, locations, etc. and share it and edit it collaboratively with your friends and colleagues.

This is but one of the many examples I've been waiting for, that will prove that there's still a lot to be done, and that no matter what kind of productive work you think is not suited for a touch-based device... it's simply a matter of someone coming up with the right interface.

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