Tuesday, March 3, 2015

Pebble announces Time Steel and Smartstraps

If you thought Pebble was going to rest now that it surpassed the 12 million mark on its Pebble Time crowdfunding campaign, you'd be mistaken. Pebble was holding some tricks up its sleeves, like a new Pebble Time Steel, and smarstraps that take Pebble into the "modular" arena.

Smartstraps are Pebble's answer to projects like Google's Ara. If you ever wished to have more battery life, or maybe track your jogging without taking your smartphone, this system allows you to do so by simply plugging in different straps with different capabilities. Maybe you can use one with GPS, or one with an extra battery, or even one with NFC or a heartrate monitor... possibilities are endless.

And then we have the new Pebble Time Steel, that replaces plastic with stainless steel, making it look a lot cooler.

Besides its metal body, this new Pebble has more battery life (10 days instead of 7) and the color e-paper display is now bonded directly to the top lens, which will improve readability and make it look nicer. The Pebble Time Steel is available in black, silver and gold, and - as expected - is more expensive: $250 instead of $179. However, Pebble realizes lots of users would prefer this Time Steel instead of the plastic version, and so you can simply "upgrade" your pledge and switch to the new smartwatch (or opt for the $400 pack that includes one of each).

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