Thursday, August 11, 2016

Elon Musk wants a solar roof over every house

Tesla may be doing a great job promoting electric vehicles, but Elon Musk hopes it can kickstart change at a much broader level. Just like he said in his "master plan", he also wants to revolutionize solar energy production via solar roofs.

Elon Musk wants SolarCity to create a solar roof that will change the way people look at solar power. Up until now, solar power involved placing solar panels over your roof, which is not very efficient. We need to have a roof, we need to have an additional support structure, and then the solar panels. The ideia is to combine all this into a single solution, a solar roof that will provide the best of both worlds. And although a solar roof shouldn't be that cheap, we'll have to factor in the savings from not having to have a "regular roof".

If he can pull it off I wouldn't be surprised to see the preorders for this solar roof surpass those of the Tesla Model 3, which reached hundreds of thousands of orders, for a car that didn't exist and that will take years to be delivered.

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