Monday, January 23, 2017

Hackchi2 adds new games to the Nintendo Classic Mini

A few weeks ago we found out that it was possible to add extra games to the Nintendo Classic Mini, but the process was a bit too complicated for most users. With Hackchi2 it's now much easier and accessible to all.

Not everyone feels comfortable enough to mess around in the scary world of the command line, where you'll write things you may not have any clue about, hoping everything works just fine ... but fearing the prospect of something, anything, going wrong.

Although things can still go wrong, Hackhi2 allows you to add games from the comfort of your desktop graphical environment, making it a lot easier and friendlier to use.

The task of finding the game ROMs continues to be left to the user, but afterwards, Hackchi2 makes it a simple point and click affair to push it to your mini game console (if you're able to find one). Nintendo could very well had anticipated and provide an official way to add games. As it didn't... the gaming community took thing into their own hands.

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