Monday, November 12, 2007

Anal Probing in Public [Japan]

If you think things couldn't get any kinkier, think again.

Welcome to Japan, the land of the rising sun, and upskirting innocent looking teenage school girls.

While in the U.S. Jack Thompson complains about any graphic violence in video games (while not worrying about much worse Hollywood movies), in Japan things are quite different.

Just check this Arcade machine:

The object of Boong-Ga Boong-Ga is to score points by spanking or performing kancho (anal probing) on a model of a human posterior embedded in the game’s cabinet. A plastic finger is attached to the machine for players to perform the latter.

The game features eight characters players can “punish”: “ex-girlfriend”, “ex-boyfriend”, “gangster”, “mother-in-law”, “Gold-digger”, “Prostitute”, “child molester” and “Con-artist”. During gameplay, the facial expression of the chosen character is displayed on a monitor.

The game also dispenses cards that rates players on their “sexual behavior”, and for players who perform exceptionaly well the machine will dispence a small plastic trophy in the shape of pile of feces.

Think this would be huge sucess all around the world, don't you think?

Via [GameBrink]

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