Thursday, December 13, 2007

Custom Xubuntu for Eee PC: the eeeXubuntu

It was just a matter of time until someone did it, and that time is now: Xubuntu for the Eee PC is here.

Besides providing an easier install path via USB (there's no CD/DVD drive on the Eee PC), it's also pre-configured with a desktop environment suited for its low screen resolution.

However, just like I had mentioned in my own Eee PC review:
The Ubuntu graphical installer (Ubiquity) is still too large to fit the screen in its entirety. However, holding down and dragging the installer around works fine. Unfortunately, there is no easy fix: I wish there was.
Well, I guess we can live with that to have Xubuntu running on it. :)

Complete instructions and downloads over at [eeeUser]

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