Thursday, December 1, 2016

Netflix finally allows downloads for offline viewing

Netflix is one of the most popular streaming services in the world, but it also recognizes there are times when streaming is not an option. So, it's finally possible to download movies and series to watch offline, no internet required.

Most of the time we don't think "how" Netflix works; we just choose what we want to watch and click play, and that's it. But things change quickly once you step away from your trusted internet connection and start to worry with data caps, slow access, or even no access at all. So... should forget about using your free time to catch up on your favorite series? Not so.

We're now able to download movies and series (you can find the button in the details page)  and watch it later no matter where you are, without worrying about how you internet access is (or isn't). For now the things you can download seem to be limited to Netflix produced content, but it's expected to expand soon - you can already download series like Orange is the New Black, The Crown, and Narcos).

You won't get to keep your downloaded files forever though. Each download comes with an expiration date (like 48h or 7 days), so you may need to schedule things around a bit should you be planning to stay away from the internet for more than a week at a time.

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