Monday, May 28, 2012

LG Full HD LCD has only 5"

If you thought smartphone's screen resolutions were about to pause for a while, now that we have HD 720 screens in most high-end devices... it seems you (and me) would be wrong. LG has just announced a FullHD - yes, the one with all the 1920x1080 pixels -  LCD screen with just 5".

A screen that shatters Apple's "retina-display" pixel density with an amazing 440ppi that will surely make its images more lifelike than ever.

The screen uses an improved IPS technology (AH-IPS) that promises increased brightness, response speed, and wider viewing angles. And best of all, it will be available in the coming months.

Can you imagine having a smartphone with such a screen and a borderless design? It would make our wildest dreams come true!

Now... can I hear anyone say this is the screen we would hope to see in the upcoming generation of Apple's iPhone? :)

[via engadget]

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