Friday, October 16, 2015

Forcy expands 3D Touch capability to older iPhones

One of the new features of the iPhones 6S is 3D Touch, which allows the device to sense the amount of pressure, and is already being put to good use across the system and in many apps. Now, even older iPhones can benefit from it as well, as long as you're willing to jailbreak your device.

Jailbreak is often associated with running pirated apps, but it's essence is a lot simpler: it simply allows you to run whatever software you want, free from the restrictions Apple imposes. And that means being able to use tweaks that modify the system, such as this one what allows you to "emulate" a 3D Touch.

This Forcy is a tweak available for jailbroken iPhones that allows you to access the quick actions menu that you get in a iPhone 6S by pressing harder on a app icon. This menu acts as a shortcut to different actions, such a sending your location in the Maps app; or taking a selfie in the Camera app; and this tweak allows you to access it on non 3D Touch iPhones by replacing the pressure touch with a swipe up gesture over the icon app.

... I don't think that's enough to justify jailbreaking your iPhone; but if you have already done for any other reason, this may be a tweak you'll want to try. This one doesn't allow you to "force touch" actions inside apps, but there are people already working in other tweaks that promise to do just that.

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